
Saturday 26 October 2013

Gain Muscles the Right Way: The Facts about Body Building

As an ultra skinny person, you will find it very hard to gain muscles. If you think that spending a lot of time in the gym and doing long workouts will be able to help you gain muscles, you better think again. Although this may work, you have to consider that there are incorrect ways to do it and there are correct ways to do it.By sticking to the principles of body building, you will be able to get the results you want in no time at all. So, if you are ever wondering why you can't gain muscles besides the fact that you spend a lot of time in the gym, here are some tips that will be able to enlighten you.

First of all, some people think that lifting weights rapidly will get them to gain muscles at a much efficient rate. However, what this does is exactly the opposite. You have to remember that in body building, you need to do each exercise in slow controlled movements. Fluidity is the key to exercising. This is because slow controlled movements encourage maximum muscle contractions, which means more efficient muscle building.

A few hours before and after you hit the gym, eat foods with high protein content. This will strengthen your muscles more and it encourages muscle tissue repair, which means that you will be able to gain muscles faster. Some people go on a diet and never eat anything before and after they go to the gym. This is a mistake. Besides, where will you be able to get the energy for all that heavy lifting?

Another mistake is exercising the same muscles everyday. This will do exactly the opposite when you want to gain muscle mass. Always remember that rest is the key to muscle gain. Always give the muscles you worked out today at least one or two days rest. For example, if you worked out the back and biceps today, never do the same exercises the next day. Give it time to repair itself and build more muscle tissues.

You need to remember that you don’t gain muscles when you are working out. You injure it. When you rest, the body will compensate for the muscle tissue injury by producing more muscle tissues. The result is muscle gain. Resting is the best way to repair muscle tissues so get plenty of rest.

Every time you hit the gym, always go for heavier weights. However, don’t try to lift weights that are too heavy for you that you can’t complete a set and don’t go for weights that are too light that it doesn’t provide contractions in your muscles.

These are the things that you have to remember about body building. Always keep in mind that going to the gym everyday will not cut it. If you want to gain muscles, then you have to properly exercise each muscle group, eat the right kinds of food, and also get plenty of rest.

Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to gain muscle in no time at all. Try exercising two muscle groups in one day and exercise two different muscle groups on the other day. Or, if you really want to be sure about your body building program, you might want to consult a professional trainer. They will be able to help you out with what kind of body building program and exercises that is right for you.

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