
Sunday 21 April 2013

The Right Workout Routine for Gaining Muscles

Have you ever been to the gym lately and you feel like a skinny geek among those guys who had huge muscles? If you do, then don’t let those guys intimidate you. You have to remember that they have been through on what you are going through. They were also skinny or fat once and they worked hard to get the body they have today. In fact, they may even help you get the results you want if you ask them politely.They may give you some tips on how to gain muscles fast and some of these tips may actually work. However, if you really want to gain muscles fast, then here are some of the right workout routines that you should follow in order for you to get that serious muscle that you have always wanted to have.

First of all, you need to remember that in order to gain muscles you should emphasize more on free weight exercises. Machine exercises may seem to be appealing as it lowers the risk of injury. However, you have to consider that in order to gain muscles, you need to strengthen the supporting muscles first, such as the synergist and the stabilizers. Machines don’t do this as the machines themselves act as a stabilizer.

Free weights will require your muscles as well as the supporting muscles to work really hard. This is why you will get tired a lot quicker when doing free weight exercises.

If you hear someone say that you need to exercise the same muscle group everyday, then don’t take this advice. This will slow down the growth rate of your muscles. You have to remember that working out means that you are actually injuring or tearing your muscles. If you do this everyday, it will lead to the deterioration of your muscles.

So, why work out if you are only tearing or injuring your muscles? You have to remember that when you injure your muscles, the body will react by replacing or adding more muscle tissues to strengthen the injured muscles. This means muscle growth or an increase in the muscle mass. And, the best time for your muscles to grow is by resting or sleeping.

Try exercising different parts of the body each day. For example, on day one, you might want to exercise your chest and triceps. On day two, exercise the back and biceps. And, on day three, exercise the legs and shoulders. On each day, always exercise your abdominal muscles with sit ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises.

After day three, you should rest the next day and after that, start again with day one. Do this for two weeks and change the exercises to avoid reaching the plateau where your muscles become so used to the exercises that it will not grow anymore.

On each muscle group, try to create 4 to 5 exercises. For example, for the chest, do bench presses, inclined dumbbell presses, lying dumbbell fly, and cable crossovers. For each exercise do 10 reps and 3 sets each.

These are the things that you need to remember about muscle gain and the correct exercise routines for it. Always remember that proper execution is the key to muscle growth. Resting is also very important as well as diet.

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