
Monday 11 November 2013

12 Secrets for gaining mass

If You really want to gain size stop reading articles out of magazines and find a trainer that knows what they are doing.

Eat organically, you are what you eat (if you give yourself a 59 cent hamburger you are giving your body 59 cent muscles that makes you look like garbage.)

Eat According to your metabolic type, "the metabolic typing diet"

Lift mainly in the 8-12 rep range

Your tempos should range from 3-1-3 to 4-1-4 and no more

You total time under tension for each lift should only last 60 sec or less (this is because you want to produce as much Testosterone and Growth Hormone.

Don't lift longer than 45 min per workout, less at a higher intensity equals more.

This would be different if you were on pro-hormones or juice, because of the recover time.

You shouldn't be performing any cardio

Lift according to your genetic makeup and your muscle fiber type if you tend to be more of an endurance athlete you will do better lifting a little higher reps, if you are more of a speed athlete you will do better lifting a little lower reps heavier weight.

Supplements and other things can help in achieving mass, as we all know what the pros use and most amateurs lifting in the gym.

Though follow science it can do way more for you than just taking some pill.

Mass is easy to gain when you lift correctly, don't waste years trying to reach your goal when you can invest in a trainer that can get you tons of results now.  And if they don't get you results fire them immediately

Sunday 10 November 2013

Do Nitric Oxide Supplements Work? (Really Do Any Supplements Work?)

Work to do what? Give you better pumps? Yes. Build more muscle? Where’s the proof. Okay, before I go on, I'd like to point out that most of the research on NO products has been done by supplement companies that sell the products.

Unlike creatine and protein which has a wealth of other information sources including credible scientific institutions, I would like to see the same for NO. Now wait. Does that mean if you took this type of product and it worked for you that we should all just say, forget science, if it worked for Bob then it must work for everybody.

Who cares how, it just does? Make no mistake; NO type products are great for pumps. And there might be truth to the statement that it opens up nutrient pathways to allow you to absorb more muscle building nutrients. And maybe pumps do build muscle.

Although I personally think overloading the muscle does more for that then any pumps. More important than that…if you don't take NO supplements are you missing out on gains? My strong hunch is that you aren't missing out. Bottom line, if you take NO and you fail to eat properly you won't gain anything.

So if you aren't 100% focused on nutrition and training, then all these supplements will do is pretty much make you broke.

Now, listen to this very carefully: Not all supplements are worthless. Taking some supplements will help you achieve your goals. But only if you have the other 98% in check.

Fortunately there are a few websites that can help you with credible independent research.

Three of the best are:

So let me ask you… are you positive that your nutrition and training are complete? If so, then NO might be something to try out and see for yourself. And that statement goes for every supplement (minus vitamins, protein, essential fatty acid complexes).

NO and supplements alike only account for 2%. Make sure you have the rest down solid and that 2% will be very noticeable!

Saturday 9 November 2013

These are some ways to keep you motivated

for building your body
If your motivation to workout is decreasing while building your body, here are 6 tips to keep you motivated to exercice:

1- make a notebook in which you write down your daily workouts. It is a very motivating way that makes you able to check it everyday and see how far you got with your series and exercices, so that you could get a picture about your developpement and improvements.

2- do a certain ritual before every workout to make you ready, and totally prepared for the game. There are world wide champions who totally agree with this strategy and say that they revise the series of workouts they are going to do before going to the gymnasium so that they don't ask what they are going to do today.

3- don't be a slave of your workouts. Don't let them control you. You should control them instead. So you shouldn't be following some precise workouts instead of focusing on what could be really helpful fo your body. Moreover most of bodybuilders Basically work every muscle in a day, but you should work on the parts of your body which are not well built yet instead of being commited to a certain schedule. The main goal is to work your body, not to make your body work exercices.

4- try to be different and special; if you get too tired while doing a certain exercice which is needed by your body but you can't stop it, you should try another workout, because changing your muscles exercices could be a really big challenge for you and your body, and succeding in it would be really awsome.

5- you should measure the average of your efforts and frequently check them and the growth of your muscles. Because the stress And tiredness may be the main reason that keeps you demotivated. Thus you should get some rest and good sleep then check your workouts after it.

6- take pictures of yourself using a digital camera or using your phone camera every month to keep checking your improvements and comparing between the pictures to see the difference. Eventhough you are still in the beggining of your workouts, take a picture , name it "before" And take another when you finish, name it "later" and it is the best and most apropriate way to keep motivated.

4 effective method to gain weight healthy

There are many people who are looking for ways to gain weight. But gaining weight and keeping it on can be very difficult for some people. However, there are some things you can do to gain weight. One of the basic ideas you need to understand is that in order for you to gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake and engage in physical activity to build muscle. This means that you need to take in more calories by eating more calorie rich foods. You should eat nourishing foods that will help you add muscle and body mass. One of the best ways to build muscle is to engage in some form of strength or resistance training.

Set some realistic weight gain targets :
Most people start a weight gain program without taking the time to think about how they are going to do it and what they expect to achieve from their program over a given period. Set yourself targets that are realistic and achievable and reward yourself every time you reach your target. Doing this is an excellent way to get started on your weight gain program.

Change your eating habits :
It does not matter whether you want to gain or lose weight - nutrition is the single most important thing. You see, both fat loss and weight gain is all about energy in and energy out. When you are trying to lose weight you want to make sure that your daily energy output is greater than your daily energy input, whereas when you are trying to gain weight you by all means want to make sure that your daily energy input is greater than your daily energy output.

To gain weight, to make your body grow you need to give your body way more energy (calories) than it actually needs. I know that this probably sounds a little bit confusing, but all you need to do is to simply use one of the thousands of caloric calculators that are available online, figure out your caloric needs and then add extra three to five hundred calories on top of your actual caloric needs.

Start lifting weights to gain high quality lean muscle mass
When trying to gain weight you need to be really careful because if you will fail to exercise all of the extra energy that you will get from your new diet will be quickly converted into fat and instead of gaining high quality lean muscle mass you will be gaining useless body fat.

To prevent this from happening I highly recommend for you to start lifting weights. Simply start slowly and start training at least three times per week. Here are some tips for you to get started.

    Follow a body split workout plan and train large muscle groups on different days.
    During your workouts focus on big compound exercises such as barbell squats, bent over rows, deadlifts, military press and so on.
    Do no more than twelve repetition per set and never do more than four sets per exercise.
    Do no more than four exercises for large muscle groups like chest, back or legs and do no more than two exercises for smaller muscle groups like biceps or triceps.

Aim to gain weight slowly :
With gaining weight, slow is better than fast. So instead of eating junk foods and high-fat cookies and candies, expand your meals to include high calorie foods, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains and regular strength training exercises. Your diet should include foods that are higher in calories, minerals, and vitamins, as opposed to foods higher in fat, salt and sugar.
So !! you find this method effective or not, or you want to share with us method that work with you .. (feel free we're here just for you)

Thursday 7 November 2013

shake shake shake!

So here is my usual shake I drink everyday. I can get boring with variety so i rarely change things up. The most I'll do is add carrots to this for a thicker consistency and a slightly sweeter flavor but I feel it's plenty sweet already

Anyways here are the ingredients

1 scoop Vanilla NitroFusion Protein Powder
1 organic Banana
1/4 cup raw organic cacao nibs
3/4 cup Trader Joes organic berry blend
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
16 oz Water
8 oz Unsweetened Coconut milk
then a bunch of kale, i dont really measure it at all :P

According to myfitnesspal this is:
622 Calories
73g Carbohydrates
25g Fat
35g Protein
24g Sugar

Hope you enjoy!
I'd love to hear your favorite shakes!

Monday 4 November 2013

Stronger than yesterday

This week I’ve set a few personal records for myself. The one I’m most excited about is my deadlifts (220 for 8 reps!)!!! The hardest part is keeping a grip on that heavy bar cause my legs got it. I feel myself getting stronger little by little. When I first started exercising I was always fixated on the amount of weight I was lifting but I was sacrificing my form. The last two months I’ve been concentrating on much slower and controlled movements with less weight. Although I almost stick to the same weight every week for some exercises, I’ve been able to go heavier for at least one set, but after that I’m way too fatigued! I’m always surprised on how strong legs can be. With other exercises I have to drop weight by the next set but with legs I can keep up the same weight or increase through out the circuit. I still find myself getting a little light headed during my squats but I’ve recently googled what could be the issue (breathing) and hopefully tomorrow ill see if it works or not!Other than body building I’ve trying to get better at my balance which I’ve found out I’m horrible at. I just want to be able to do handstand push ups and walk on my hands! Ive also been having an incredibly fun time rock climbing every week! getting much better and even did a V4 the other day! woo!In two weeks I go to Las Vegas for the Association of Professional Piercers annual conference. I’ve been already racking my brain with how I’m going to eat and meal prep for myself while I’m down there. My boss that is driving told me he can take some of my stuff down for me! That means I get to bring my Vitamix and a hot plate! Oh yeah! Ballys has a gym too which I’m incredibly happy about cause I really don’t want to have a break, need my gains bro!I got another go ahead from Dani at to start eating more again! Hahaha I fucking love it. Everyday I consume 1 cup of dried oats, 2 cups of legumes, 1 cup of wild rice, 5 oz. of seitan, 4 scoops of protein powder, 1 8-10 oz sweet potato, 3 bananas, pb&j sammich, spirulina, cacao nibs, maca powder, flax seeds and lots of raw veggies! if I get hungry between meals I snack on apples and almonds!

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